Going, Going, Gone??? Continued from page 3
Without a doubt the most en- raging aspect of the NWSA con- ference was the policing of women who attended.
Color-cod- ed badges had to be flashed at every turn and checkers were in- structed to keep out anybody without a badge. NWSA states that nobody is denied member- ship in the association for fi- nancial reasons, yet women were turned away at conference events because they couldn't afford the fees. Some members of the Third World Caucus decided to drop out of the NWSA and organize their own conference in Virginia next year; some will continue to be active in both efforts.
Next year's National Women's Studies Conference will be held in Columbus, Ohio, and promises to be responsive to the needs of black and poor women. Colum- bus has a large black population, public transportation and a much greater choice of housing ar- rangements. Women of color are leaving the Association in droves right now, but if next year is no better, they'll not only be going, they'll be GONE.
Helen Stewart
Well, A-L-L-R-I-G-H-T!!! I am really impressed with the quality of your paper from in- side to out.
Through grapevine communica- tions, I heard about BLN, so I went out and bought my first copy, the August issue. As I read, I couldn't stop saying: A-1-1-r-i-g-h-t!
Again, we Black womyn have beaten the odds! Although the survival inequalities render us short on time, money and energy, you have managed to invest all three into this wonderful pub- lication.
Since money and I have a ser- ious misunderstanding, money has left me and all I can offer you is time and energy! Please let me know what I can do to help BLN "weather the storm.
Hang on in there, Black Les- bian Newsletter. We need you because without a voice, we'll be overlooked and definitely not heard. Thanks again for being.
In Love and Struggle, Ann Sandifer
Quality Offset Reproduction
by Lesbians
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